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Modern Architecture

Property Management

Follow Landlord-Tenant Laws And Regulations

As an investor, especially if you own multiple properties in several different states or areas, it can be difficult to keep track of all the different landlord-tenant laws and regulations. We here at MnM's Diamond Shine, LLC can help avoid potential legal headaches by taking care of these regulations for you. We are better equipped to deal with local laws and regulations.

Shows And Leases Vacant Units

Working with us here at MnM's Diamond Shine can also help owners eliminate the potential financial loss of having an empty unit sitting around for an extended period of time. Rather than trying to market your property remotely to potential tenants, you can rely on us to attract new tenants and potentially renew existing leases.

Tenants may also be uneasy about or unwilling to move into a property without seeing it first - and showing off properties may not be an option if the owner lives out of state. Working with us here at MnM's Diamond Shine, LLC allows owners to have us present on the property to fix problems and show off the full potential of spaces to potential tenants.

Act As A Local Presence For Out-Of-Town Owners

As the experts on-site, MnM's Diamond Shine, LLC will also act as a local presence for out-of-town owners. If a property owner has lived in Texas their entire life, they may not be equipped to deal with the intricacies of managing property in SW Florida. We can take care of those details for you– along with other things that come up, like maintenance and other operational issues that would be difficult to handle remotely.

Collects And Deposits Rent

We here at MnM's Diamond Shine collect and deposit rent as a part of our duties for the properties we oversee. We collect rent using online solutions to help get money to the property owner quicker.  We also handle delinquent payments, collections and evictions. Working with us here at MnM's Diamond Shine, LLC ensures that these tasks that might be difficult for investors to handle from afar are dealt with efficiently to save owners money and time.

 Handles Maintenance Requests

We here at MnM's Diamond Shine, LLC also handle maintenance requests and other in-person upkeep. A landlord that is slow to respond to maintenance issues can cause tenant frustration – which is why it’s useful to have a us onsite to address tenant concerns quickly.

Maintenance requests could be anything from broken appliances to unwanted pests or wildlife in a tenant’s home, so having us on-site to take care of these issues as they arise is vital. A lack of landlord support with issues in rental properties can cause tenants to take their business elsewhere when their lease is up, so it’s important to have a strong local presence to take care of tenant needs.

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